Join us on Tuesday, 30th April, at 3pm BST / 4pm CEST / 9am CDT / 7am PDT to hear Florence Rolland, from Novo Nordisk, and Laura Jeffords Greenberg, from Worksome, discuss

Mastering Open Source: Balancing the Code Supply Chain, IP, and Legal Considerations

Spring Summit 2017

Spring Summit 2017

April 18-20 in Geneva, Switzerland

Join us for the next InnerSource Commons Summit in Geneva, Switzerland.


This Summit will be hosted by European Broadcasting Union (EBU) at their facility. (L’Ancienne Route 17A, 1218 Le Grand-Saconnex, Switzerland)


Registration is already open! Please use the EBU registration process for this.


A first version of the schedule is available.

Code of Conduct

All participants, vendors, and guests at InnerSource Commons events are required to abide by the code of conduct.

InnerSource Commons meetings run under the Chatham House Rule: information discussed at a meeting can be shared but not attributed.!