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InnerSource Commons announces the appointment of a new Board of Directors

InnerSource Commons announces the appointment of a new Board of Directors

The InnerSource Commons Foundation is delighted to announce the election of a new Board of Directors comprising of Danese Cooper (Chairperson), Isabel Drost-Fromm (President), Georg Grutter (Vice President), Cedric Williams (Treasurer), Russell Rutledge (Secretary), Johannes Tigges (Assistant Secretary), Maximilian Capraro, Daniel Izquierdo Cortazar and Jacob Green.

The new Board of Directors has been elected by the InnerSource Commons Members as the best people to set and drive the vision of the foundation through the next rapid growth phase.

We would like to congratulate the new board and thank the previous members of the board for serving us well over the past few years.

“The next 5 years are extremely important for InnerSource Commons as we see the adoption of InnerSource rapidly gaining momentum. I am confident Isabel, together with the new board will guide the Foundation through accelerated growth and success in the coming years.” said Danese Cooper, the Chairperson of The InnerSource Commons Foundation.

About InnerSource Commons

A InnerSource Commons é a maior comunidade mundial de praticantes de InnerSource. É dedicada à criação e compartilhamento de conhecimento sobre InnerSource, o uso das melhores práticas de código aberto para o desenvolvimento de software dentro dos limites de uma organização.
Fundada em 2015, a InnerSource Commons agora apoia e conecta mais de 2000 indivíduos de mais de 750 empresas, instituições acadêmicas e agências governamentais. A InnerSource Commons Foundation foi incorporada em 19 de fevereiro de 2020 e agora é uma instituição de caridade pública 501(c)(3).

March 18, 2021