Join us on Tuesday, 30th April, at 3pm BST / 4pm CEST / 9am CDT / 7am PDT to hear Florence Rolland, from Novo Nordisk, and Laura Jeffords Greenberg, from Worksome, discuss

Mastering Open Source: Balancing the Code Supply Chain, IP, and Legal Considerations

Join us on Tuesday, 21st May, at 5pm BST / 6pm CEST / 11am CDT / 9am PDT to hear Michael Basil, from Dojo Center, & Guilherme Dellagustin, from SAP SE, discuss

Atomic Mindshare: InnerSource Dojo Way.


Learning Path

The InnerSource Learning Path community is focused on creating a set of resources explaining and teaching various aspects of InnerSource. This curated set of videos and articles cover patterns that have been adopted by many organisations and have been proven to lead to successful InnerSource practices. Many of our community use these resources within their organisations to increase awareness and build competencies around InnerSource.

Padrões InnerSource

Padrões InnerSource

A InnerSource Commons fornece um fórum para a comunidade compartilhar suas experiências e aprender uns com os outros na forma de Padrões InnerSource.



Nossa seleção de livros sobre InnerSource é uma maneira ideal de se familiarizar com os conceitos do InnerSource.



Pesquisa sobre o InnerSource, incluindo os relatórios anuais da Pesquisa sobre o Estado do InnerSource e pesquisas acadêmicas revisadas por pares.
