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InnerSource Commons Outstanding Contributors 2021

InnerSource Commons Outstanding Contributors 2021

The Internet, November 19th, 2021

2021 has been a significant year for InnerSource Commons. With over 50 active contributors across the 3 working groups, the community has significantly increased its activity and achieved some amazing results.

The Patterns working group added 13 new Level 1 patterns and 2 new Level 2 patterns throughout the year. The Learning Path working group added a total of 12 new translations for the videos and workbooks introducing the most important roles of InnerSource. The marketing group kickstarted many new programmes and activities this year such as the creation of a new website, community calls, partnerships with other organizations and a sponsorship programme.

Throughout these activities, we have seen 3 people shine and contribute above and beyond to our community. With this in mind, during the InnerSource Summit 2021, we started a new tradition in the InnerSource Commons: the Annual Outstanding Contributor award.

This year’s award is going to:

  • Dmitrii Sugrobov for his consistent contribution to the Marketing and Outreach group and the Learning Path working group as well as for leading the development of our new website and for his involvement in the online summits.
  • Sebastian Spier for his consistent contributions in all our working groups as well as leading the Patters group and being actively present in our 1-1 virtual coffee sessions.
  • Fei Wan, who is also contributing to multiple working groups and has made an especially valuable contribution to the Patterns group: the patterns map which makes our collection of patterns much more accessible than it was before.

We would like to extend a massive thank you to the 3 exceptional contributors to our community and officially recognise them as the InnerSource Commons 2021 Outstanding Contributors. Hats off to you all!

About InnerSource Commons

A InnerSource Commons é a maior comunidade mundial de praticantes de InnerSource. É dedicada à criação e compartilhamento de conhecimento sobre InnerSource, o uso das melhores práticas de código aberto para o desenvolvimento de software dentro dos limites de uma organização.
Fundada em 2015, a InnerSource Commons agora apoia e conecta mais de 2000 indivíduos de mais de 750 empresas, instituições acadêmicas e agências governamentais. A InnerSource Commons Foundation foi incorporada em 19 de fevereiro de 2020 e agora é uma instituição de caridade pública 501(c)(3).

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November 19, 2021