Join us on Tuesday, October 1st, at 5pm BST / 6pm CEST / 11am CDT / 9am PDT when Gale McCommons & Anusha Pavuluri, from Comcast, will discuss Getting Started with InnerSource Consultations


Date and Time of Meeting

  • Call to order: 2024-05-30, 12:15 GMT
  • Adjourned: 13:12 GMT
  • Next Meeting: 2024-06-27, 7:00 GMT

Roll call

Directors and Officers Present

  • Danese Cooper
  • Clare Dillon
  • Georg Grütter (Assistant Treasurer)
  • Yuki Hattori (Vice President)
  • Daniel Izquierdo-Cortazar (President)
  • Katie Schueths (Assistant Secretary)

Directors and Officers Absent

  • Matt Cobby (Secretary)
  • Tom Sadler (Treasurer) (Proxied by Clare Dillon)
  • Sebastian Spier

Votes Taken
