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State of InnerSource Survey 2024

Read Research Report

The ‘State of InnerSource’ survey was designed in consultation with the InnerSource Commons community in October 2023. Following the consultation, the survey accepted responses from November 2023 to January 2024 and gathered insights from approximately 120 participants. These responses capture a moment in time, reflecting each individual’s InnerSource journey within their organization.

This research highlights a wide range of global experiences, offering an overview of how the InnerSource Commons community adopts and aligns InnerSource to their organizations’ strategies. It also provides insights into the most commonly used practices; the benefits achieved; and the metrics for success.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to the InnerSource Commons community members who generously took the time to complete the survey.

Special recognition goes to Clare Dillon, the report’s lead author, and to everyone involved in promoting, designing, analyzing, writing, and reviewing the report. We are grateful to Apostolos Kritikos, Ciara Flanagan, Daniel Izquierdo Cortázar, Guilherme Dellagustin and Yuki Hattori for their contributions.

If you’d like to explore the findings further, join the conversation on the InnerSource Commons Slack, where you can connect with other InnerSource practitioners.