Join us on Tuesday, December 10th, at 9am GMT / 10am CET / 2:30pm IST / 8pm AEDT, when Michael Dorner and Dr. Oliver Treidler, from Kolabri, will discuss Tax Compliance for Collaborative Software Engineering - Microsofts 30 Billion Dollar Problem.


Date and Time of Meeting

2021-10-21, 7 p.m - 8 p.m. CEST / 12 p.m. - 1 p.m. CDT

Role Call

Directors Present

  • Jacob Green
  • Johannes Tigges (Assistant Secretary)
  • Isabel Drost-Fromm (President)
  • Daniel Izquierdo
  • Georg Grütter (Vice President)
  • Russell Rutledge (Secretary)
  • Max Capraro

Directors Absent

  • Cedric Williams (Treasurer)
  • Danese Cooper (Chair, Proxied by Isabel)

Members Present

  • Clare Dillon

Votes Taken

  • Pre-allocate up to $2K for the marketing working group to promote the upcoming summit.
    • 8 in favor, 1 did not vote.