Microsoft DevOps Dojo InnerSource Case Study
Microsoft has been practicing InnerSource within the product groups to develop code for more than 5 years with early pockets of cross team collaboration on code reaching back many more years.
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“We’re moving towards more openness, which ultimately creates a communication culture and a generative culture, rather than one that’s bureaucratic and process-based.”
Kevin Truckenmiller, Lead DevOps Engineer in CRSL
“InnerSource paves the way for ADEO to introduce new open source projects and give developers more freedom.”
Guilherme Guitte, Lead Developer Advocate

“If we give people the right tools and the right platform, it’s a start. We can share more within our company and with each other, growing as an InnerSource organization.”
Joost Hofman, Head of Tech Enabling

“InnerSource has allowed us to deliver dozens of cross-cutting features more efficiently, spanning multiple teams and services.”
Rob Bell, Principal Software Engineer

“Our tools have been built been built from the ground up with an expectation of InnerSource … The way that we encourage that in a very disparate organization is mostly word of mouth and clear documentation.”
Steph Egan, Software Engineering Team Lead
“Thanks to an InnerSource strategy we are scaling the reusability of Data Science code in a wide range of countries and business areas at BBVA. To achieve this, we developed a Python library, named Mercury.”
Rafael Hernandez Murcia, Senior Manager Data Scientist

“InnerSource is not new to Bloomberg … our competitive advantage is really in being able to innovate, come up with new ideas and get them out to our specialized consumers on a regular basis at the speed that they require it to be competitive in the market.”
Panna Pavangadkar, Global Head of Engineering Developer Experience
“InnerSource has proven invaluable for us. It has become the gold standard for internal collaboration on software at Bosch.”
Georg Grütter, Chief Expert Social Coding

“Our InnerSource journey started small and then started to grow to an enterprise scale.”
Roderick Randolph, Capital One

“InnerSource has absolutely made our developers stronger.”
Piyush Goel, VP of Engineering
“InnerSource helped us create a community inside the company... InnerSource is truly a cultural transformation.”
Nithya Ruff, Head of Comcast’s Open Source Program Office

“With InnerSource, we want to enable all developers with the freedom to be creative, to drive innovation without barriers, and to be appreciated for their contributions across the company.”
Zsuzsanna Gnandt, InnerSource Project Manager


“What we're seeing now is the technology has caught up with all these ideas of innovation and collaboration, and that's really critical for us.”
Joan Watson, Research and Developement IT

“Everyone should be able to read the code that powers etsy.com and contribute to the broader success of the company.”
Keyur Govande, Chief Architect

“Our environment allows developers to find solutions that have already been developed. They can collaborate on those, and then reuse them.”
Florian Frischmuth, Chief Engineer
“The reason why InnerSource works is because like open source you're working with people who are collaborating with different priorities because they're working on different things”
Martin Woodworth, Director, Developer Relations

“We need to build a community around the InnerSource projects of people who share the same ideals.”
Willem Jiang and Long Li, Huawei

“We see InnerSource as a way to improve efficiency through code reuse. But even beyond that, it's an amazing conduit for learning and exchanging ideas and facilitating innovation within IBM.”
Jeff Jagoda, Senior Site Engineer

“We have seen greater engineering satisfaction among teams that practice InnerSource... we have [also] seen better product quality and responses because of InnerSource.”
Arno Mihm, Program Manager InnerSource

“We knew (with InnerSource) were going to save money, but that savings immediately turned into more capacity for teams to do the most valuable work for our business.”
Cindy Payne, Associate Vice President of IT Application Services

“We found it very useful to work within the InnerSource Commons.. Where you can bounce ideas off of other InnerSource practitioners”
Russ Rutledge, Director of Community and InnerSource

“We try to standardize our code style, our languages so that everybody can contribute to repositories. It’s really good for me making a change on a project, a service skeleton, or a common library to know that everybody’s going to use that to deploy their service.”
Haberkorn Gomes, Infosec Tech Manager

“The Process of InnerSource is actually the mindset of Collaboration.”
Sathish Vaidyanathan, Adopting InnerSource Book

“We work together as a team to provide InnerSource methodology to encourage new people to initiate new projects... 70% of SAP employees would like to contribute if suitable projects are available.”
Micheal Graf and Guilherme Dellagustin, SAP

“Social Coding at Siemens: Applying best practices from Open Source internally. Working openly and transparently in a collaborative, community-centric way. Defining authority through knowledge and involvement.”

“Pull requests are welcome. Someone out there might find a better solution than I can.”
Laurent Ploix, Product Manager

“This internal community removes friction as we build software while making all of our projects more open and social.”
Michael Glukhovsky, Developer Advocate

“[Tencent] adopted InnerSource to promote engineer culture inside the company... 80% of projects get InnerSourced.”
Jerry Tan, Tencent

“Our development teams have benefited from the collaborative features of GitHub. It allows them to take co-development to a whole new level by working as a community and maturing our InnerSourcing practices.”
Jo Ann Tan, Vice President and Head of Infrastructure

“Anyone can learn something from another team and quickly see what’s in the code..Having a fairly open structure allows people to get involved quite easily and quickly.”
Alberto Giorgi, Director of Engineering

“We have an InnerSource policy: Everybody has access to create pull requests on all repositories. You can see all our code. We don’t lock down anything.”
Martin Andersen, VP of Engineering
“Twilio engineers are encouraged to submit pull requests to projects that are not immediately owned by their team. They can then work with the owning team on integrating their change into the code base.”
Roman Scheiter, Head of Productivity Engineering

“A project isn’t just about the code, there’s a team behind it, including writers, designers and project managers. [InnerSource] gives you the opportunity to collaborate across multiple time zones and business units.”
Minchene Tang, Vmware
“Once you embrace it [InnerSource] and see new teams come on, you show examples of places where not only can people contribute, you unlock bottlenecks”
Jeremy King, Executive Vice President & CTO for Global eCommerce

“Suddenly developers are buttoning up the structure of their code—open source and InnerSource act as a forcing function to get the details right and ready for more eyes.”
Fedor Terlov, Director of Site Reliability
“We have thousands of developers working on these projects today and at any given time we’re doing dozens of different projects... 75% of our clients with large global enterprises are trying InnerSource in some way, shape or form.”
Andrew Aitken, Wipro

“Our engineering culture is open and centred around teams owning services and being responsible for running them in production.”
Jason Smale, VP of Engineering