Does your organization want to host InnerSource Summit 2025? Click here to apply or contact us at to find out more
Join us on Tuesday, February 18th, 9am GMT / 10am CET / 2:30pm IST / 8pm AEDT, when Dr. Christian DeFeo and Ben Butcher, from Shell, will discuss Project Fleming: An Open Source Discovery Tool.

The InnerSource Commons is a thriving community that empowers organisations and people worldwide to apply and gain the benefits of open collaboration in their internal work.
Founded in 2015, the InnerSource Commons is now supporting and connecting over 3000 individuals from over 800 companies, academic institutions, and government agencies. The InnerSource Commons Foundation was incorporated on February 19th, 2020 and is now a 501(c)(3) public charity.

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What is InnerSource?

InnerSource takes the lessons learned from developing open source software and applies them to the way companies develop software internally. As developers have become accustomed to working on world class open source software, there is a strong desire to bring those practices back inside the firewall and apply them to software that companies may be reluctant to release. For companies building mostly closed source software, InnerSource can be a great tool to help break down silos, encourage internal collaboration, accelerate new engineer on-boarding, and identify opportunities to contribute software back to the open source world.

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InnerSource Commons Foundation

InnerSource Commons is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization governed by a set of corporate bylaws.

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