Welcome to the Community page - we are so happy you are here! All our learning resources and events are open to everyone and are free to use. However, the magic happens when the community comes together to share learnings. We hope you will join us!
Get Started Today
There are various ways to get involved in the InnerSource Commons community.
Say hello in the #general channel in Slack. Share your own experiences or ask questions about InnerSource. We all benefit from those discussions.
Join #virtual-coffee-buddies for an in-person chat with somebody from our community. Discuss your specific challenges and brainstorm ideas.
Join a working group to collaborate with other InnerSource practitioners. Each working group is producing learning resources about InnerSource.
You can also email us at info@innersourcecommons.org if you have trouble joining.
Learning Path Working Group
The Learning Path Working Group curates the InnerSource Learning Path, a series of short videos and articles explaining and teaching various aspects of InnerSource. The working group meets weekly. To get started, join the #learning-path slack channel and introduce yourself.
Patterns Working Group
The Patterns Working Group is creating a book with InnerSource Patterns — best practices codified in a specific format easy to understand and reuse. The Patterns group hold regular office-hours, but most of the work is done asynchronously on GitHub.
Marketing & Outreach Working Group
The Marketing & Outreach Working Group promotes InnerSource success stories, supports outreach activities, conducts research, and organizes InnerSource events and summits. It meets bi-weekly.
ISPO Working Group
The ISPO Working Group supports InnerSource Program Offices (ISPOs) with materials needed to establish themselves, teach and scale InnerSource in their respective company. The group holds regular meetings, but most work is done asynchronously on GitHub.
Board & Governance
The InnerSource Commons Foundation is registered as a 501(c)3 non-profit organization in the US, and service on the Board is one way the community can deepen their commitment to InnerSource.
Learn more about the ISC BoardHow We Work
Affiliation with the InnerSource Commons is tied to individuals, not companies. We've included some guidance on how we work below. No fees are required to participate. Content is made available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Most of our discussions happen in Slack. We have public and private projects on GitHub and store a lot of our working documents in gDrive.
All discussions in our Slack channel are held under the Chatham House Rule to create a safe space where people can ask real questions.
Be nice and kind. If you would like more details, please read our Code Of Conduct.
Stay Connected
Most of the action in the community happens on our Slack Channel. You can also keep informed about the InnerSource Commons news, events and activities by signing up to our newsletter below, follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn, and subscribing to our YouTube Channel.