Join us on Tuesday, December 3rd, at 5pm GMT/ 6pm CET / 11am CST / 9am PST when Shanmugapriya Manoharan, from IKEA, will discuss the Hackathon: Fun and safe approach to get started with InnerSource.

Learning Path


Consultez l’introduction pour en savoir plus sur les types de problèmes pour lesquels InnerSource peut vous aider, sur la façon de procéder, sur les types d’avantages que vous pouvez espérer obtenir en participant et sur les principes sous-jacents qui font que tout fonctionne.

Learning Path - Trusted Committer

Learning Path - Trusted Committer

This text will be translated soon. The Trusted Committer section covers what it means to be an InnerSource Trusted Committer, and how to support your contributors.

Learning Path - Contributor

Learning Path - Contributor

The Contributor section covers what it means to be an InnerSource Contributor, the aspects of behavior that will make you a successful Contributor, contribution mechanics and the benefits of InnerSource for your team and organization.

Learning Path - Product Owner

Learning Path - Product Owner

The Product Owner section covers how this role fits into InnerSource.

Learning Path - Project Leader

Learning Path - Project Leader

This section covers how InnerSource fits with other aspects of project leadership including agile, open source, capacity planning, and more.
