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InnerSource Commons welcomes our new Board and Officers

InnerSource Commons welcomes our new Board and Officers

May 15, 2024

The InnerSource Commons Foundation is delighted to announce the election of the Board for the coming year. The following Board Members have been re-elected for another term: Daniel Izquierdo Cortázar (President), Yuki Hattori (Vice President), Matt Cobby (Secretary), Katie Schueths (Assistant Secretary), Tom Sadler (Treasurer), Georg Grütter (Assistant Treasurer) and Sebastian Spier.

We welcome Clare Dillon, who is joining the Board for the first time and we’re also excited to welcome back Danese Cooper (Founder of InnerSource Commons) who is returning to the Board after taking a year off.

Our sincere thanks go to Silona Bonewald, Maximilian Capraro, Isabel Drost-Fromm and Dmitrii Sugrobov who have stepped down from the Board this year. We are extremely grateful for their dedicated service to the Foundation and to the InnerSource Commons community.

The Board is chosen on an annual basis by InnerSource Commons Members. Directors are selected as the best people to guide and steer the vision of the Foundation.

“InnerSource Commons stands as a vibrant community for people who want to learn more about InnerSource as well as those who actively advance and share learning about InnerSource best practices. Our Board of Directors are instrumental in realizing the InnerSource Commons mission and guiding us on the path to our shared objectives” said Daniel Izquierdo Cortázar, President of the InnerSource Commons Foundation

About InnerSource Commons

InnerSource Commons is the world’s largest community of InnerSource practitioners. It is dedicated to creating and sharing knowledge about InnerSource, the use of open source best practices for software development within the confines of an organization.

Founded in 2015, the InnerSource Commons is now supporting and connecting with approximately 3000 individuals from over 750 companies, academic institutions, and government agencies.

The InnerSource Commons Foundation was incorporated on February 19th, 2020 and is now a 501(c)(3) public charity

Contact Information

If you would like to learn more about InnerSource Commons, our Board or our sponsor program, please contact us at:

May 15, 2024