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Join us on Tuesday, March 18th, 9am GMT / 10am CET / 2:30pm IST / 8pm AEDT, when Carsten Hoffmann, from DB Systel GmbH, will discuss InnerSource@DB: A Story About Open Source Practices at Deutsche Bahn.

State of InnerSource Survey 2021

Read Research Report

We’ve had a great response from our community and collected over 120 answers to our State of InnerSource 2021 survey.

This research represents a snapshot of how the InnerSource Commons community is approaching InnerSource as a strategy, and where they are on their InnerSource journey in terms of adoption status and team readiness. InnerSource culture and an overview of potential blockers and obstacles are examined. It also covers the InnerSource practices in most common use, benefits experienced, success measures and metrics, and the motivations of those involved. It represents a diverse set of experiences across multiple role and organizational profiles from across the globe and we hope it provides some inspiration and context to those of you on your own InnerSource journey.

A huge thank you goes to all those who responded to the survey. We encourage all who read this report and learn gain insights into what other organizations are doing on their journey to InnerSource adoption. If you want to discuss the findings further, do come join us in the InnerSource Commons Slack; it’s the perfect place to share and learn from others who are leading InnerSource practices worldwide.