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Join us on Tuesday, March 18th, 9am GMT / 10am CET / 2:30pm IST / 8pm AEDT, when Carsten Hoffmann, from DB Systel GmbH, will discuss InnerSource@DB: A Story About Open Source Practices at Deutsche Bahn.

Learning Path - Contributor


The Contributor in InnerSource Have you ever been blocked in your next coding task because another team didn’t have time to add a feature in their system that you depend on?

Becoming an InnerSource Contributor

Becoming an InnerSource Contributor

InnerSource contributors operate outside of regular team boundaries, they are the links crossing organizational silos.

Contributor Ethos

Contributor Ethos

In the last segment we have outlined why you would want to reuse components and become active as a Contributor.

Mechanics of contributing

Mechanics of contributing

Are you ready to start contributing to other teams projects/repos? Do you look forward to reducing your blockers not by management escalation but by collaboration?

Benefits of becoming an InnerSource Contributor

Benefits of becoming an InnerSource Contributor

Contributors are the life blood of InnerSource projects. Every project that is run as an InnerSource project comes both with the promise and with the ultimate goal of expanding their development team beyond the original founders, tapping into the potential of further collaborators amongst users (also sometimes referred to as customers in corporations) of that project.



Thanks for reviewing the Contributor segment of the InnerSource Commons Learning Path. With this section you’ve learned about the Contributor role - the life blood of InnerSource projects.



Video: InnerSource Contributor SEGMENT: Becoming an InnerSource Contributor TIP: More than one answer may be correct in some questions.
