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Learning Path - Trusted Committer

Introducing the Trusted Committer Role

The Trusted Committer (TC) role is one of the key roles in an InnerSource community.

Ensuring Product Quality

Ensuring Product Quality

Let’s start with the responsibility most often associated with the Trusted Committer role: ensuring product quality.

Keeping the Community Healthy

Keeping the Community Healthy

The introduction pointed out that Trusted Committers have both tech-oriented and community-oriented responsibilities. It is not sufficient to focus on code and code health only.

Upleveling Community Members

Upleveling Community Members

There is a continuum of participation in an InnerSource community. There are people who are not aware of the community.

Lowering the Barriers to Entry

Lowering the Barriers to Entry

Soliciting contributions in an InnerSource community is more challenging than it is in an Open Source community for a number of reasons:

Advocating for the Community’s Needs

Advocating for the Community’s Needs

InnerSource communities exist in a corporate context and are thus more constrained than Open Source communities.

Becoming a Trusted Committer

Becoming a Trusted Committer

The Trusted Committer role is a demanding but fulfilling role. If this learning path interests you, you might be wondering how to actually become a Trusted Committer and if you are the right person for the job.



In the previous chapters we have learned about the responsibilities of Trusted Committers. Some of these responsibilities include ensuring product quality, keeping their community healthy, reducing the barriers to making contributions, upleveling the community and advocating for its needs within the organization.



Video: The Trusted Committer Role in InnerSource SEGMENT: Introduction Question 1. What sentence best describes the motivation for the name “Trusted Committer”?
